Thank you for visiting this site. This is the main portal to access the Oxley Fine Arts & Graphics Suite of sites. At this time, this specific site is under construction. Its information and features will be accessible within several months, please visit again periodically to explore these pages.
This site will provide visitors with a comprehensive overview of the six independent sites that comprise the Oxley Fine Arts & Graphics Suite. This specific overview information will illustrate the function and purpose of each independent site as well as provide many other pages, links and resources.

The sites within the comprising suite are:
This is the main portal to the five other independent sites within my suite of sites. This specific site will host a number of personal pages, historic and biographical information, family photographic and genealogical data, resumes, guest book and message board, journal/blog, reference and resource pages and miscellaneous articles and essays covering a range of subjects.
This independent site hosts all the information, articles, images and downloads pertaining to my work with the art form called a “mandala” in which I have created using organic materials. This site is currently live.
This independent site is my “Market Place” for commerce. Currently I have fine art prints of my work with The Natural Mandala available for sale. Future sales will include original art pieces, relief prints, photographic prints, CD’s and DVD’s that I have produced, books I have written and large collection of greeting cards and calendars that I have created.
WWW.REXWORKS.COM (currently unavailable)
This independent site is essentially a comprehensive portfolio of my creative works. The range of these works begin in drawings, paintings, sculptures, relief prints and photography and extend into my creative writing, such as short stories, poetry, essays and music compositions. There will also be a page hosting longer presentation works, such as books, slideshows, audio and film presentations.
WWW.INTUITARTS.COM (currently unavailable)
This independent site is the resource site for information about my “intuitive” art works, these having to do with extensive developments with the mandala form and my original form of art called: “The Higher Self Portrait.” This site will also have many articles and essays as well as become a compendium of information in the areas of religion, mythology and metaphysical studies. It will also host the work and writing of colleagues in these areas and will serve as a link resource to many important sites.
WWW.REXARTONOMY.COM (currently unavailable)
This independent site will chronicle my experiences in several fields of education, most notably in the areas of music and the fine arts. It will be a resource for downloadable information that I use in the fine art studios that I teach as well as in my private music studios (voice and piano). It will also become the main reservoir from which information, documentation and presentations can be downloaded for my correspondence courses that I will be offering in the near future. |